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Nurtured Spirit is a health and wellness business located in Canberra, Australia that provides distance healing and intuitive readings. 

Nurtured Spirit was created by Ebony to help people who are feeling stuck in their lives make steps forward to create the lives they have always wanted. 

Ebony is a healer with training in both Reiki (completed to Reiki Master level) and Sacred Geometry. 

Ebony is really good at figuring out what’s going on with your body, pinpointing the things that are stopping you from getting where you want to go, figuring out what you need and giving you solutions and guidance about how to get there. 

Ebony uses her feelings, visual and connection to her ability to read people like a book to figure out exactly what you need to read from your own book of life. 



Distance Healing and Intuitive Readings

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An appointment with Ebony consists of both a distance healing and remote reading. 

During the reading I will provide the session outcomes and practical guidance to help you to move forward.

All sessions are 45 minutes and conducted via Zoom making it easy for you to get the support you want, when you want it without having to leave the comfort of your own home.    



"Ebony is a caring, down-to-earth and highly intuitive therapist who really wants the best for the clients that she works with. Her insights were spot-on and she provided me with some great awareness on how I may choose to move forward in my career and other life choices. I highly recommend!"

Mark Varitimos


"The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are"

Carl Jung

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